Chesapeake Bay Climate Adaptation Toolbox

Chesapeake Bay Program Data

Developed By: Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP)

Summary: The Data page provides access to several types of data and tools for the Chesapeake Bay. The datasets are related to water quality, benthic organisms, nutrients, submerged aquatic vegetation, and more. Tools include the Percent Light at Leaf Calculator and the Factors Contributing to Water Column light Attenuation: A Diagnostic Tool. The first allows the user to determine the percentage of light penetrating the water column and reaching submerged aquatic vegetation at a given depth and the second helps to determine if the minimum light requirements for submerged aquatic vegetation are met at a location. Both tools are automated Microsoft Excel spreadsheets that enable users to input data and are generalized to work for any location. They are intended for more advanced users that have some knowledge of the impacts of total suspended solids and chlorophyll on water quality, submerged aquatic vegetation growth, and light requirements.

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